Announcement of GPdotNET v5 and ANNdotNET v1.0

As you already know GPdotNET v4 tool consists of several modules which include:

  • GP module for creating and training models based on genetic programming,
  • ANN module for creating and training models based on Feed Forward Neural Networks,
  • GA module for model and function optimization using Genetic Algorithm
  • LGA module is for  linear programming with GA which includes solving Traveling Salesman based problems, Assignment and Transportation problems.

With the latest release the GPdotNET has changed a lot. First of all, the initial idea about GPdotNET was to provide GP method in the application. And as the project grew lot of new implementations were included in the main project. This year I decided to make two different projects which can be seen as the natural evolution of .

The first project remain the same which follows the previous version and it is called . The project includes only GP related algorithm implementation which is developed for creating and training supervised ML problems (regression, binary and multi-class classification).

The second project uses several ANN algorithms for creating and training supervised machine learning problems.  The project is called . It is Windows Forms desktop application very similar with GPdotNET, for creating and training ANN models.

I am very prod to announce that the new version of GPdotNET will be released as two  different open source projects.


  1. – which is hosted at the same address as previous. The older version GPdotNET v4 has moved at   – and will be the latest version for non GP and ANN modules in GPdotNET.
  2. ANNdotNET v1 – is hosted at separate repository .


1 thought on “Announcement of GPdotNET v5 and ANNdotNET v1.0

  1. Pingback: ANNdotNET v1.0 has been released | Bahrudin Hrnjica Blog

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